Upon conviction for driving while intoxicated (DWI), you will face possible jail time, substantial fines, and the suspension of your driver’s license. You will also have a permanent criminal record that can interfere with many parts of your life.
A San Antonio DWI lawyer from Eddington Worley can help you fight these serious charges. Our legal team will protect your rights and fight for your future.
Call us at 855-600-6695 for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.
You Face Harsh Penalties for a San Antonio DWI Conviction
Depending on your criminal record and the circumstances of your arrest, you could face misdemeanor or felony DWI charges. You face the possibility of spending time behind bars, no matter the severity of the charges you face.
A first offense DWI in San Antonio typically carries a Class B misdemeanor charge. If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeded 0.149, or if the prosecutor can apply any aggravating circumstances, you could face Class A misdemeanor charges.
For repeat offenses and drunk driving accidents with property damage, injuries, or fatalities, you can face felony DWI charges. The maximum penalties for each classification of charges are as follows:
Class B Misdemeanor Six months in jail
$2,000 fine
One-year driver’s license suspension
Class A Misdemeanor One year in jail
$4,000 fine
Two-year driver’s license suspension
Third-Degree Felony Two to 10 years in prison
$10,000 fine
Two-year driver’s license suspension
Second-Degree Felony Two to 20 years in prison
$10,000 fine
Two-year driver’s license suspension
First-Degree Felony Up to 99 years in prison (life)
$10,000 fine
Two-year driver’s license suspension
Aggravating circumstances that may increase the severity of your charges and penalties include:
- BAC of 0.15 or above
- Open container in the vehicle
- Passenger under 15 in the vehicle
- Reckless driving
- Causing a DWI accident with damage
- Causing a DWI accident with injuries or fatality
In addition to jail or prison time, fines, and driver’s license suspension, other DWI penalties might include:
- Community supervision (probation)
- Community service
- Substance abuse treatment or counseling
- Installation of an ignition interlock on your vehicle
Along with your driver’s license suspension, you incur an annual surcharge of up to $2,000 from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), which you must pay for three years to reinstate your license and keep it current.
Finally, you will have a criminal record that cannot, in most cases, be sealed or expunged. This can hinder your ability to get work, rent a house, go to college, or find car insurance.
As you can see, a San Antonio DWI can be costly. Before you make any decisions, accept a plea agreement, or give a statement to the police, talk to a DWI lawyer at Eddington Worley to explore drunk driving defense options.
Our San Antonio DWI Lawyers Will Fight for You
The legal team at Eddington Worley works diligently to resolve your case in the best way possible.
Our overarching goal is to have your charges dropped or reduced. We accomplish this by:
Investigating Your Case
We obtain all available evidence, talk to witnesses, and gather information about your DWI arrest. Our objective is to identify any potential errors made by the police as well as any violations of your legal rights.
Determining Legal Defense Strategies
Once we have obtained all available evidence and identified any potential problems, we will identify appropriate legal defense strategies. This may involve challenging the arresting officer’s reasonable suspicion or probable cause. It may involve challenging the veracity of BAC testing or questioning the accuracy of breathalyzer or blood test results.
Negotiating with the Prosecutor
We use any problems or errors we identify as leverage to negotiate for a lesser charge. If the problem is significant, the prosecutor might agree to drop the charges. We can also file court motions to disallow evidence or have your case dismissed.
Identifying Alternative Arrangements
In some cases, you may qualify for deferred adjudication or a similar program. These programs typically require you to satisfy specific obligations and avoid further trouble with the law. Once you complete your obligations, we petition the court to have your record cleared.
Alternately, if we determine together that it makes sense, we will prepare your drunk driving defense case and fight for your future in criminal court.
The ALR Driver’s License Suspension Hearing
The Eddington Worley legal team will also represent you for your driver’s license suspension hearing. This process, known as Administrative License Revocation (ALR), is a civil (administrative) process administered by DPS.
If you want to present a case against license suspension, you must schedule an ALR hearing. If you do not request your hearing within the prescribed period — within 15 days of your DWI arrest — you relinquish your right to challenge your suspension.
For the ALR hearing, our legal team will:
- Schedule your hearing
- Prepare your case
- Obtain critical evidence
- Subpoena witnesses
The ALR process is important for more reasons than just the threat of losing your license. This offers us an early look at the prosecution’s evidence. We will obtain all available evidence and subpoena the arresting officer (and others, if necessary) to testify at your hearing.
Given the opportunity to question the arresting officer under oath can help us make your case against license suspension. It can also give us the opportunity to identify legal defense strategies that can help your criminal case.
If the judge does move to suspend your license, we can file multiple appeals or petition the judge to grant you a provisional (occupational) license that allows you to drive to work or school, go grocery shopping, doctor’s appointments, and attend to other necessary personal errands.
Free San Antonio DWI Case Review & Consultation
The DWI lawyers at Eddington Worley understand how stressful it can be to face criminal charges for drunk driving. We will build the most robust possible case for you and fight to get your charges reduced or dismissed. Call 855-600-6695 today for a free consultation and case review. We look forward to telling you more about how a San Antonio DWI lawyer can help with your drunk driving defense.